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Indian Culture or Western Culture?

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The trend today is , at least one member in a every home has become a resident of western countries. However rich or poor the family is, you can find one of their family partners staying overseas. Also our status and the standard of living increases only if you are working overseas. No matter whatever is our labour, earning in “Dollar” or “Pounds” has become a craze to Indians.

What is the reason? Why do we dislike to work or stay in our home country? 

According to me, I feel “CORRUPTION” makes us away from our nation.  Corrupted Politicians, adulterated food and heavy taxes has ruined our wonderful country. 

India herself is rich, whereas in western countries the citizens make their country rich. Our administrators are thieves but our country is heaven. 

My intention here is to have a glance in the blog Happiest Ladies to show how rich our country is. When you can find the richness in the blog, then imagine how richest is our country in reality.

Just compare everything posted on Happiest Ladies, recipes, tours, babies , hair styles, festivals , festival decorations and jewels. The blog is also mini India and let me know what do you vote for? :)

Which is the best? Yes, its our culture and nation. Do you agree with me?

Every culture is rich of course. But take pride in being the traditional Indian way.

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